Monday, January 25, 2010

Movie Monday: Sherlock Holmes

Okay, so it's deep, dark confession time. On my first date with the man who turned out to be my husband, I fell asleep. And not just a little doze, but full-on, drool on his shoulder, snuffle-snore asleep. I know, I know. It's a miracle he ever called me back.

In my defense, however, it was City Hall. It was the midnight movie. And I'd been up at 5 that morning writing a paper for my English Lit. class.

I bring this up now, because the same thing happened to me yesterday. My husband of 13 years took me to see Sherlock Holmes, a movie I've been very interested in seeing, and I fell asleep! Once again, in my defense, it was the 11 p.m. movie, I'd been up most of the previous night writing and I had spent the day running around the park after my kids.

Still, I can't believe I fell asleep on Sherlock Holmes! I will admit that the parts I saw were brilliantly funny-- Robert Downey Jr. is a wonderful actor (not like that's news to anyone) and he and Jude Law have an amazing on-screen chemistry. The two play off each other wonderfully!

Anyway, has anyone else seen this movie yet? Did you like it? Hate it? What was your favorite part-- I don't really have one, since I watched disjointed parts about every fifteen minutes or so ....

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